How long does it take to develop an app?

Aside from questions regarding the required investment for an app development project, the question we receive most frequently surrounds timelines, specifically – “how long will it take to develop my app?”

Quick Answer

In total, we’re looking at approximately 6 months, or around 1,428 development hours in total.

With over 17 years’ experience developing software, including web and mobile applications, we’ve been able to calculate an fairly accurate average for a typical app development project.

Our average project takes around 1,428 development hours in total. See below for a more specific breakdown for each stage:

Planning – 18 Business Days
Design – 19 Business Days
Prototype – 28 Business Days
Development – 46 Business Days
Testing – 18 Business Days
Release – 9 Business Days

So in total, we are looking at approximately 6 months.

Of course, these figures can vary depending on project size and complexity, so we welcome you to get in touch via the Contact page to request a call-back and personalised quote.