After contemplating using an off-the-shelf Learning Management System (LMS), QLD-based pilot training organisation Starr Aviation approached us looking to build a fully bespoke learning ecosystem and online portal, encompassing training material, course content and student comms.

Check and Train now powers Starr Aviation’s entire training capability, accessible by both students and instructors, on the ground and in the air.

It’s key feature lies in its seamless transition from cloud storage to temporary local storage, allowing instructors to continue to use their device in the air in the absense of an internet connection, and have any changes made uploaded upon touching back down.

Main Technologies


Key outcomes

Originally a paper-based organisation, Starr Aviation instructors now carry tablets both on the ground and in the air, conducting the entire learning process via the Check and Train app.
A popular method of increasing digital engagement, we introduced a subtle gamification element into the Check and Train experience, including progress bars and completion percentage indicators.
Direct Communication
Through the Check and Train app, Starr instructors and staff are able to communicate directly with students from anywhere, doing away with clipboards and paperwork entirely.
Local & Cloud
Existing LMS offerings are cloud-based, relying on a constant internet connection. Check and Train stores data locally, then uploads content to the cloud once a connection is re-established.